Et møde med natten / Meeting Night

Et møde med natten / Meeting Night

It is in the middle of the night that our senses change, and we become susceptible to the unknown. Creatures begin to grow from the night and our dreams.

Meeting Night - Art sculpture

Meeting Night, sculpture 1, 2018

In 2018 I created two sculptures. Both sculptures grew out of the night. During the working process I was inspired by some poetic lines written by the Danish poet Michael Strunge: “Black clumps of sleep fall / from the oily sky down into our eyes. We pass away like one-celled organisms / from when the Earth was sea.”

Both sculptures are painted, organic figures which I have combined with readymades. I have intentionally used readymades that are a bit indefinable but also give associations to a bedroom.

Meeting Night, sculpture 2, 2018

Meeting Night - Detail of art sculpture

Meeting Night, sculpture 2 detail, 2018